Daily Archives: December 27, 2014

Umm As Sameem – December 2014

This large area of wet/damp/sinking salty mud’s name translates to “mother of all poisons/worries” and to the camel caravans long ago it would have been a formidable obstacle to cross.

The “modern” explorer Sir Wilfred Thesiger was the first European to set eyes on this fabled sabkah and he mentions it in his 1959 book Arabian Sands“.  Some of his companions had warned him about the dangers of the area, citing instances when raiding parties had strayed into the quicksands and disappeared without a trace.  One of them even claimed to have seen a whole flock of goats become engulfed then completely disappear!

When we visited in 2012 we (eventually) found a not-too bumpy track across it though it still took a very long couple of hours to cross at a snail’s pace.  When we were at the mid point we could barely make out the surrounding dunes, and I am sure that before motorized transport many a traveler must have entertained feelings of despair at some point during the crossing!

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Fast forward to 2014 and our plans to cross the mud flats in the afternoon of day one went awry due to various delays.  Instead we decided to pitch our tents at the northern edge and tackle the crossing in the morning.

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After a restful quiet night under very dark skies, followed by a hearty breakfast we set off  on our quest to find a christmas tree.  Just a few kilometres in and what a surprise we got – two years on and we find that there are now many many tracks across the Umm As Sameem – an oil company is exploring for hydrocarbons.

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Now for years the area around the sabkah has been littered with drilling rigs, christmas trees and pipes and it is clear that there is a fortune in oil and gas lying underground.  My first reaction was of shock that this great wilderness was being desecrated, but on reaching the track we used only two years ago we discovered that it was now a faint line across the mud.  Possibly in 2-3 years the surface scars made by the mighty “thumper trucks” will have faded – here’s hoping so. Unless of course they find hydrocarbons under the sabkah surface when bases, access tracks and all manner of invasive civil engineering will position itself here.

Taking advantage of the situation, we used the fresh, relatively smooth tracks to cross the Mother of All Worries, and found ourselves at an interesting rocky area which our previous track had missed out.  Sorry about the two different photo sizes by the way – different cameras!

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Here’s our path across the sabkah – 2012 journey in black and this year’s in aqua. The thumper truck tracks were in a grid pattern and had I thought about it, I could have laid down a gps track which looked like stairs but instead I took the easiest, least bumpy tracks.


You can get an idea of the size and remoteness of the place with this overview map – Umm As Sameem on lower left.


Track data available on request, email me at fullemptyquarter at gmail dot com.

Categories: Oman Blog | Tags: , , , , | 3 Comments

Christmas in Oman 2014

I hate both cold weather and the commercialism of Christmas back “home”, so for the 6th consecutive year we spent Christmas in the Gulf.  But what to do for a difference?  Start as I always do, with a to-do list!

1) Locate Oilfield Christmas Tree we first discovered on our 2012 trip to Oman.









2) Decorate Christmas Tree


christmas tree











3) Have lunch in the brilliant Oasis Club in Salalah.


photo "borrowed" from Oasis Club's fb page

photo “borrowed” from Oasis Club’s fb page








Sounds quite simple but in reality the tree was on the edge of the Umm As Sameem (translates as the “Mother of All Worries/Poisons”) which is a huge salt mud flat, up to 50km wide, accessible via rough tracks and sand dunes in the Empty Quarter of Oman.  The second point to note was that Salalah is 1100kms distant from Al Ain, so an epic journey was inevitable!

Rough plans were made, hotels booked for 3 nights of an 8 night holiday, camping supplies were gathered and before we knew it the 19th of December had come round and it was time to head south for some winter warmth.  Honestly, after 6 years in the UAE, daytime temps less than 25C and night-time ones below 18C feel COLD!

Task 1 – completed easily – it was still in the same place we left it in 2012!  GPS co-rds are N21° 24.021′ E56° 03.475′.

Task 2 – Done!  Even brought some mince pies along to sustain us whilst decorating it!

Task 3 – A most enjoyable meal served by friendly staff with lovely carol singing in the background.  Well done Oasis Club – was well worth the journey!

I hope all my readers had a lovely and peaceful Christmas – very best wishes to you all from the “sandpit”.

2014-12-25 12.04.44

Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

Weekly Photo Challenge: Warmth

Warmth from two sources. After an overnight camp in the Rub Al Khali (Empty Quarter) in Oman we rose early, beating the sunrise by just enough time to put the kettle on and get the camera focused.



Categories: Desert Driving Blog, Personal Blog | Tags: | 3 Comments

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