Personal Goals for 2015

It’s too easy to let time slip by – I don’t know where 2014 disappeared to.  I love making lists so to help me focus on the year ahead, here’s my goals, starting with the easiest!

Three blogposts per week minimum.

  • One will be my “Sunday Sandy Snapshot”
  • The second will be on “life in the UAE/Gulf”
  • The Third will document one of my adventures – even if I never leave the house before summer I have a massive backlog from last year to write about!

Attend to my book  (working title “The Weekender’s Guide to Al Gharabia & Liwa”)

  • Find the right publisher for my book – may be tricky as it is part guide book, part offroad book
  • Finish writing it!

Start my own company to take people on self- drive offroad tours

  • Find a local tour company to partner with OR
  • Find a financial backer and do it myself

Accumulate enough sponsorship to enable me participate in the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2016 – as a competitor!

Having finally committed this to writing, all I have to do is make it happen!

A new Offroading Club In Al Ain

Photo credit: Heidi Cothron

Wishing all my readers a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2015 – I hope you will be able to make your dreams come true too!

(If anyone would like to help me on the last three you can contact me on fullemptyquarter at gmail dot com.)

Categories: Personal Blog | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Personal Goals for 2015

  1. Nikki

    Wow, that is a seriously ambitious list! I’m excited to watch it happen.

    • Aiming high Nikki lol! By writing it down some of it may just happen. Well done to you for your new blog, looking forward to reading about your adventures!

  2. Pingback: Progress Report: 1/2/2015 | The Desert Diva

  3. Pingback: Visit Abu Dhabi! | The Desert Diva

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