Progress Report: 1/2/2015

Following on from my earlier post – Personal Goals for 2015 – here’s my report card for January

Three blogposts per week minimum.

  • Exceeded – uploaded 19 total
  • In doing this, my blog achieved its highest stats ever.
    • January 2014, average hits per day 61.
    • January 2015, average hits per day 217
  • I’d like to say a big thanks to my readers, all 2393 of you, for making this possible!

Attend to my book  (working title “The Weekender’s Guide to Al Gharabia & Liwa”)

  • Currently working on a synopsis of my book with a view to approaching a publisher

Start my own company to take people on self- drive offroad tours

  • Not happening yet but talking to a few people!

Accumulate enough sponsorship to enable me participate in the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2016 – as a competitor!

  • This is my biggest challenge, although not my biggest priority at the moment.  Who knows what I will be reporting by the end of the year!
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