Daily Archives: May 10, 2015

Weekly Photo Challenge: Forces of Nature

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Forces of Nature.”

We get a surprising amount of rain in the desert – most often it comprises short showers which leave just a few droplets on the sand.  However In January of this year we had a major rainstorms which literally washed the top layer of sand away on many dunes.

You can see where the rivulets of water cascaded down the dune; this is mother nature’s version of etch-a-sketch as a few days of drying out followed by a warm wind and the lines are gone forever!


You can see more pictures of Liwa – after the rain here.

Categories: Photo Blogs | Tags: | 5 Comments

Sunday Sandy Snapshot #19

Leptien’s Spiny-tailed Lizard (Uromastyx aegyptia leptieni) is not uncommon in the UAE and Oman.  Preferring gravelly areas, we snapped this one in Liwa in August 2013.  These creatures are herbivores and never need to drink water!


Categories: Desert Driving Blog | Tags: | 2 Comments

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