Weekly Photo Challenge: Enveloped

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Enveloped.”

Many people think in the UAE we have perpetual sunshine, however we have seasons – although they are less distinct than at home – and quite often, what we consider “bad” weather.

Despite being 150kms inland, and 23 degrees north of the equator, the Liwa area suffers from foggy mornings throughout the winter – I reckon as often as 25% of the time in December and January.  The fog “envelops” the desert from 5am in the morning, until it clears around 9 or 10am.


Photo taken February 2014.

Categories: Liwa Blog, Photo Blogs | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Enveloped

  1. Beautiful!

  2. Pingback: Display of Genius at Bodleian Library | litadoolan

  3. Wow! This is an awesome photo and sight! Thank you for sharing it!

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