Daily Archives: May 31, 2015


Exactly six years ago today, I headed to Aberdeen Airport to commence my journey to the UAE.  So far it’s been quite an adventure


The weather – I just love warmth.  Not necessarily sun – you will never catch me lying sunbathing but that may have a lot to do with my inability to keep still – these days I start moaning about the cold if the mercury hits 20C.

My husband’s shifts – 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off mean we have traveled extensively throughout the UAE and Oman and beyond.

The cars – never in a million years could I have imagined that we would be running his and hers Nissan Patrols, certainly it wouldn’t be happening if we lived in Scotland!

The country – clean, tidy, safe.

The outdoor life – True, it is unbelievably hot in the summer, but even then it’s worth sneaking out at 5am to get a few hours driving in the dunes before the mercury hits 40C about 10am.  Similarly, end of day drives are possible year round with the bonus of a stunning sunset to photograph.  In the winter there is nothing better than driving in Liwa and camping overnight with a great big campfire to keep warm!

The people – I’ve met and made friends from all over the world, thanks to the UAE being a truly eclectic, tolerant society.  Some western expats I know rarely mix with people outwith their culture but I think they are missing out on one of the best parts of expat life.

New skills

Desert driving – passionate about it, no hobby has ever consumed me in this way before.

Patience – I’ve had to learn to be patient.  Well appear patient.  All of the time.  Perhaps some of the time.  Ok, occasionally.

Networking – I’ve honed my existing “work the room” skills to encompass bbq circles and any other social gathering where I find interesting people.  In other words, almost anywhere.  The UAE is 90% expat and each individual has their own interesting  background.

The downside is that I miss my mum, sister and my boys but it’s easy to keep in touch these days with the interweb – and it’s always nice to go back to Scotland for a visit!

So here’s hoping for another 6, or even 16!  If the business I am currently working is successful then they will be carrying me out of here in a box – hopefully not until sometime in 2063!Close Encounters of the Camel Kind

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Sunday Sandy Snapshot #22

This shrub may look as if it is dead, but in the spring, after the smallest amount of rain, new shoots appear and the plant looks alive once more.  Photo taken between the Himeem Road and the Madinat Zayed road, north of Liwa.


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