Posts Tagged With: strichen

How Did I Get Here? Post-School Reunion Reflections


It was the Nairn Academy Class of ’75 Reunion back in August.  Our class don’t seem to hold them as often as some do, and I missed the last one back in 1993.  I haven’t lived in Nairn since I was 17 so this was the first time in 32 years that I’d had a chance to catch up with my cohorts.  It was great that so many turned up, some looked like it should be years til they hit their half century, many “hadn’t changed a bit” and were instantly recognisable, but some I couldn’t place at all!  Sadly some didn’t make it to middle age – Neil Riddell, Alan Craigie, Charlie Bain and Jackie Mathieson you are not forgotten.

After the party I reflected on how life’s twists and turns make for an interesting journey and the question – how did I get from here

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to here?

Risk Management When Recreational Offroading

When I left school I was a hotel receptionist for a couple of years, which I really enjoyed, despite occasionally working in establishments based on the Fawlty Towers business model.

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I moved to Aberdeen where there were well paying jobs, and eventually I landed one a million miles away from hotels and hospitality…. the start of a six year stint in waste management, initially company receptionist then transport supervisor in charge of routing 9 skip trucks.  I loved my time in the transport department – the tasks made the most of my logical mind and certainly when I was younger I thrived on stress!

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It wasn’t just the job that was interesting, that’s where I met Neil and became Mrs Bruce!

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I only left there to have our first son Andrew, born Feb ’88.

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Further stints in transport and waste management followed til we had our second son Cameron, born March ’93.

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And then I started making curtains, which led to the creation of The Right Track, a move to the wonderful NE village of Strichen, and many hours selling, fitting and making curtains all over the North East of Scotland.

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In 2007, Neil started working in the UAE and it was proving difficult for me to run the business and be there for the boys with him abroad. I sold the business and we moved our home to the UAE the day after Cam finished school in 2009.


Since then I’ve done some occasional online consultancy work, learned to drive on the sand and have started my own offroad club.  Recently I’ve started writing for magazines and am currently working on a book.


Oasis Living Sep 13


OurdoorUAE Aug 13

I may not have a conventional job but many days are just not long enough for me to get everything I want to do, done!

What would I tell my 17 year old self?

  • Go to University and study either Art or Marketing.  Three or four years seems like a long time when you are a teenager at school but as the years pass it goes past in the blink of an eye.
  • Don’t worry about being fat or ugly.  I know you think you’re both, but you’re not!
  • Everyone is different: you’re more different than most, celebrate that fact and your zest for life and adventure!
  • Start writing for a living once you are 30 and have enough interesting experiences to share!

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Bonnie Scotland September 2012!

Sorry for the delay in updating my blog, but I’ve been living life to the full…..5000kms away from the Empty Quarter.

It was time to go and say hello to the family back in Scotland, originally planned for July, then postponed to November, and finally brought forward to September.  And boy did I score with the weather – out of my 10 days there, we had sunshine for most of the day on 9 of them, and one day Aberdeen’s recorded its highest ever temp for September – 25C!  It has to be said that when you get a dreadful summer in Scotland, often you are lucky with a week or so’s sunshine in September, and this summer was one of the worst ever!

It started off well, as we approached Aberdeen the pilot took us on a tour over Aberdeenshire and with the harvest well under way the vista was a beautiful patchwork of greens, browns and golds.  Once landed he also did the usual announcement wishing us all a safe onward journey and added “and if you reside in Aberdeen, Welcome Home”.  That did bring a tear to my eye!

Spent a great weekend with my family and managed to grab some quality time with a few friends.  It was also great to catch up with Jill who writes an amazing blog that keeps me in touch with NE Scotland – you can read it here.  She showed us round her lovely new house, introduced us to her craft/opera/wine drinking den (you’ll have to read her blog to find out more) and then fed us the most delicious chocolate and chilli cake. Mum loaned me her car so I was mobile, and I was surprised how much I enjoyed nipping about in a 1.4L Astra.

Here’s the best of the photos

New Aberdour Beach… my favourite “haunt”
to look for cowry shells… found 7 (much easier to find the giant ones on the Omani beaches!
You might have noticed the UK hosted the Olympic Games this summer.  This postbox in Westhill was painted gold in honour of gold medal winner Tim Baillie who hails from here
Iconic Scottish Shot – Heilan Coos grazing
It was warm enough to have morning coffee outside!
Heading to Strichen, always going to be “home” to me

Strichen Lake – a wonderful community resource
Nothing beats a walk in the Strichen woods – the times I have walked our (and friends) dogs along this path – though not usually in sunshine!
Bonny granite bridge in ….. Strichen of course
Clever ducks in Strichen – they can stand on water!
First but hopefully not last shot at quad biking!

Autumn wasn’t far away

Enjoyed a fair few spectacular sunsets

Despite only one day of rain we were never far away from water.  On the banks of the river Dee here.
Time to head home before the weather turns wintry!  This was the temp on the way to the airport.

Someone asked me a while ago if I would miss the adventure/outdoor life if I had to move back to Scotland – my answer has to be no, I’m exactly the same there as in the UAE, I just wear a thick jacket and boots most of the time!


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