Posts Tagged With: liwa

Weekly Photo Challenge: Off-Season

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Off-Season.”

In responding to this challenge, I see many bloggers are sharing winter photos such as frozen geraniums (the wonderful Uncle Spike) and deserted beaches (Reinhold Staden).

However, the off-season in the UAE is in the summer, when temperatures are over 40C and very humid on the coast; inland they can reach a blistering 55C and only enthusiasts nutters like me venture outdoors for adventure.  After a morning (or late afternoon’s) drive in the desert, there is nothing like returning to the lovely Liwa Hotel for a dip in the deserted pool – one of the best summertime benefits to UAE residents is ultra-cheap hotel deals.


This photo was taken in August 2012, when we completed a 5 day break in Liwa, during Ramadan.   You can read about our trip here and here.

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Enveloped

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Enveloped.”

Many people think in the UAE we have perpetual sunshine, however we have seasons – although they are less distinct than at home – and quite often, what we consider “bad” weather.

Despite being 150kms inland, and 23 degrees north of the equator, the Liwa area suffers from foggy mornings throughout the winter – I reckon as often as 25% of the time in December and January.  The fog “envelops” the desert from 5am in the morning, until it clears around 9 or 10am.


Photo taken February 2014.

Categories: Liwa Blog, Photo Blogs | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments

Liwa Wakes Up

I spent a couple of extra days in Liwa before the Dark Skies Challenge 15, much of it spent with my friend Chris working on improving his offroad driving skills – which he did very well!  Thursday morning say me with a few hours off, so once awake and on the road I spent them snapping away in the magic morning hour.

I paused high on a hill for a breakfast picnic – the weather was perfect, not cold yet not too warm, and not a breath of wind (that came later…).  Late last year a friend had told me that the Al Hayl Tower, nestled deep in a date palm plantation could no longer be seen from the top of the hill – but thankfully it is, from “my” waypoint there are quite a lof of date palms to peruse so I need to tell my friends roughly where to look!

The next stop was the Liwa Fish Farm, who now have a raft of ducks!  The guide took me further along the road to some polytunnels, where thousands of cucumber plants are producing one of the UAE’s staple foods (in modern times anyway).

I couldn’t resist a drive around some more plantations

Finally it was time to head back to the camp and prepare for the 51 cars who were joining me for the Oasis Offroad Dark Skies Challenge 2015!

Ah Liwa, how I love you!

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Dark Skies Challenge 2015: The Photo Competition

It’s been a particularly busy February for me – Oasis Offroad held the second edition of the Dark Skies Challenge which took place on the penultimate weekend of the month.  For now, here are some of the photo entries – and a facebook link, so if you’d like your vote for the best picture in each category to count, please click through and “like” your favourite.

Action Shot

Sponsored by Black Pearl Car Care Centre, Al Ain

Vote HERE for this category

Sunrise/Sunset Shot

Sponsored by Southern Sun Abu Dhabi

Vote HERE for this category

Nature Category

Sponsored by The Liwa Hotel

Vote HERE for this category


sponsored by OutdoorUAE

Vote HERE for this category

Desert Life

Sponsored by The Liwa Hotel

Vote HERE for this category

Best Stuck!

Sponsored by Rahal Outdoor

Vote HERE for this category

So there you have it – our 11 participating teams chose their best photographs from an epic weekend, and are hoping to be voted the best in their category to get their hands on some amazing prizes by our sponsors.

Voting closed at 0800hrs GST (or MCT – Marina’s coffee time) on Monday 2nd March 2015.  Will let you know who the winners are later next week!

Categories: Desert Driving Blog, Liwa Blog | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Sunday Sandy Snapshot #7

There’s nothing like camping in Liwa – this dramatic spot was reached by a relatively easy route through the dunes.  A similar picture featured in a blog last year but I couldn’t resist sharing it again.


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Not The Weekly Photo Challenge : Scale(s)

Inspired by the Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale – here are scale(s) of a different kind!

“Alive without breath, as cold as death, never thirsty, ever drinking, all in mail, never clinking.”

Whenever possible I like to respond to the WPC with a desert photo and here is one of the most bizarre things you will ever find – a fish farm in the desert!

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Sunday Sandy Snapshot #1

Happy New Year to my all my readers!  During 2015, I am going to post one of my favourite desert photos each week, on a Sunday.  I hope you enjoy them; it’s certainly been a lot of fun searching my 40,000 images or so for them!


These camels were snapped just south of the Qasr Al Sarab grounds in Liwa in March 2014.

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Liwa: A Blockbuster Backdrop!

It was the worst kept secret in the desert – Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens – was filmed partly in my “second home”,  Liwa.  The cameras were rolling not a million miles away from where my blog header photo was taken and it’s a delight to see the beautiful cinematography in the trailer.

I’ve never been a Star Wars fan, watched the first one, didn’t like it, but my husband and boys have seen the whole series.

Coincidentally, my first ever offroading experience was a tour near Tozeur in Tunisia back in 2006 when we visited the Star Wars set at Ong Jemel; 10 years on Star Wars has come to the desert I love. I might just have to watch the whole film when it comes out on 18th December 2015!

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The Black and White Trip: Testing the FJ Cruiser Xtreme

Writing for magazines is not going to make me rich but sometimes an opportunity comes along which sweetens the task somewhat.  A couple of months ago I was offered the chance to test drive the 2014 Toyota FJ Cruiser Xtreme for Outdoor UAE – the magazine is available today from all the usual outlets and also online – and I jumped at the chance to take it for a spin in my beloved Liwa.  Here’s the first few lines to whet your appetite.



Taking it to Liwa was a tiring option – we left Al Ain at 6.15am and returned at 11.45pm, after an incredible 778kms which included over 200 0ffroad!  The extra large petrol tank on the FJ cruiser was great – I filled up at White Sands ADNOC and almost 600kms later I still had over quarter of a tank left.

The “Black and White team” comprised my fellow Eurosport Drivers from the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge – Mark and Renaud and also Renaud’s wife Siyun and my friend Aisha as passengers.  Maybe it was the coffee and a couple of hours promised in the Qasr Al Sarab hotel which persuaded them; indeed after 10 hours on the road/sand it was wonderful to arrive at this veritable oasis of luxury in the Empty Quarter.

Our route took us from near the White Sands restaurant southwards towards the Qasr; it’s a relatively easy and smooth route through a variety of terrain and you are almost guaranteed to see gazelle and oryx hereabouts.   It was a great testing ground for the FJ Xtreme which made light work of steep climbs and long slipfaces as well as being a blast to drive on the fast sections.

So, what are you waiting for?  Why not

buy the magazine – you wouldn’t believe how many outdoor activities are happening in and around the UAE; OutdoorUAE have some top people writing about sports as diverse as rock climbing to stand up paddling.  You can even read the rest of my article.

Test drive the FJ Cruiser Xtreme.

Head to Liwa for a coffee at the best 5* hotel in the desert – the Qasr Al Sarab.

Tell them I sent you!

Categories: Desert Driving Blog, Liwa Blog | Tags: , , , , ,

Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2014 Part Two

The morning of day four found me with a relatively late start, ie 7.30am – we had to travel to the nearby Khis gatch to enter the desert between PC1 and PC2 – and unlike the previous day we found the perfect spot to film within a few minutes.  It wasn’t just Jerome who hit the jackpot – I found myself in the perfect spot to capture the action.

Cross-cresting – polish driver Adam Malysz shows how it’s done!


Polish biker Michal Hernik and Austrian Ferdinand Kreidl battle it out


Vladimir Vasilyev – halfway to becoming the winner of ADDC 2014


The lovely Carmen Liparotti  from Italy – the leading lady in the quads and a stalwart of the ADDC


It’s not often you get three rally cars into shot (well apart from the beginning!)



Yehia Al Helei – the highest placed Emirati Competitor  “photobombed” by the Eurosport ‘copter!

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Once back in the bivouac we discovered that my own car (supposed to be Neil’s wheels for the day) hadn’t started that morning – parts were  required.  Resourceful Renaud found his friend – Dubai based garage owner Sam of 1000 Dunes garage who managed to locate a good second hand starter motor in Sharjah and that came down to the bivouac early the next morning along with his own consignment.  In the meantime we discovered that the car he was maintaining on the race, number 333 was still in the desert with a very dodgy clutch.


“Let’s go and drive shotgun with them while they do the recovery” suggested Renaud.  Within 5 minutes we were enroute to the broken car which thankfully had failed near the end of the stage.  The recovery was done by a local man, Obaid, who made amazingly light work of towing a heavy car with his modified Nissan Patrol.  No potos of it but will upload a video of the best bits shortly (will post a link on the Desert Diva facebook page).

No desert challenge is complete without a visit to take photographs from “the plateau” and this year we were blessed with a clear day and a low sun!


Day five, special stage four and another super early start.  The remit – enter the desert with Mark and Julien at Arada, drive over the Liwa crescent until we each found a good place to film.  The reality – the cameramen didn’t like any of the waypoints between PC2 and PC3, so after a quick hello to my hubby Neil and his team who were manning the PC3, we drove further until we found an “ok” point.    Our dash across the Liwa Crescent – saw us covering 86kms in 1 hour 58 minutes, which is pretty good going for two amateur drivers piloting production cars, and this was one of the highlights of the week for both myself and Mark.

It was an exciting day for the bikes too – for the first time in the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge they took off in a mass start – 15 bikes at a time and the ariel shots near the start were simply amazing.  You can watch the Eurosport footage for SS4 here.

The point we did find was probably the worst of the week and I have to confess feeling a bit down at this point as the day before we were parked at a great spot and Jerome took some amazing footage.  However this happens sometimes and he did get some good shots of the bikes although the cars kept taking different routes over the low dunes and it was impossible to predict which of three possible tracks they would take!


All too soon it was the last day of the ADDC 2014 – Special Stage 5.  Another very early start – I was up at 5am, ready to collect my cameraman from the beautiful 5 Star resort – The Qasr Al Sarab.  We were in position on stage before the sun came up – did I say we were up early?


We found a great vantage point this time – just up from where we were on SS5 last year but this time the cars had no option but to travel past us over some very choppy and bumpy dunes!  You should have seen those bikes, quads and even minis fly!!!







IMG_5815 (1)

Highlights of Day 6 – Special Stage 5 – can be found here.

We met up with Mark at the first PC, exited the desert via gatch track and had plenty of time for an egg paratha and a cup of Karak tea at the White Sands Restaurant before we returned to Rally HQ at Yas, in time for the podium ceremony.  This year we even remembered to take a group photo of the Eurosport cameramen and their drivers!


Here’s one of the Bruce Clan – first and possibly (because Cameron lives 5000 miles away)  last time that three of our family will marshal at the same event.


You can see many more great photos, including the official ones by RallyZone, on the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge Facebook page.

Results and news from ADDC2014 can be found on the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge Website.

Can’t wait til ADDC 2015!

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