Posts Tagged With: Star Wars

Liwa: A Blockbuster Backdrop!

It was the worst kept secret in the desert – Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens – was filmed partly in my “second home”,  Liwa.  The cameras were rolling not a million miles away from where my blog header photo was taken and it’s a delight to see the beautiful cinematography in the trailer.

I’ve never been a Star Wars fan, watched the first one, didn’t like it, but my husband and boys have seen the whole series.

Coincidentally, my first ever offroading experience was a tour near Tozeur in Tunisia back in 2006 when we visited the Star Wars set at Ong Jemel; 10 years on Star Wars has come to the desert I love. I might just have to watch the whole film when it comes out on 18th December 2015!

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